If you are reading this blog, most likely you have been in a car accident. For some there may be property damage (the damage done to your vehicle and belongings inside the vehicle) to deal with, but everyone walks away injury free. For others though, there may be some new aches and pains you previously did not have in addition to the damage to the vehicles. If this is the case, there are a few things to keep in mind following the accident.
On-Scene: Make sure everyone on scene is okay and then call 9-1-1 to report the accident and any possible injuries. No matter how big or small the accident is, you should always report it. If it is safe to do so, move the vehicles off the roadway (after you have taken a photo of the accident scene). We cannot emphasize the importance of taking pictures while at the scene. Get detailed pictures of both vehicles.
Seek Treatment: First and foremost, you need to take care of yourself. If you are experiencing any pain or discomfort as a result from your accident, then you need to seek medical treatment as soon as possible. Though most people elect to seek treatment at their local emergency rooms, always remember that you can seek similar medical care at your local urgent care clinic as well.
Additionally, it is VERY common for someone not to experience pain immediately following an accident. A multitude of medical reasons can exist for this lack of pain, but most commonly, a person’s adrenaline following an accident masks his/her pain, and once that adrenaline subsides, he/she begins to experience pain. Thus, one must understand that just because you do not feel pain immediately after a collision does not mean you are not injured. It can often take days and sometimes a few weeks for your pain to become fully realized. If this is the case, you should go see your PCP for an evaluation. They will be able to direct you what to do from there. It is very important for you to continue any recommended treatment so that you can get to feeling better.
If you are having ANY issues obtaining medical care (whether it be because you do not have any health insurance, or a certain medical facility will not see auto accident patients, or you simply do not have the money to pay for any medical visits), then reach out to an attorney IMMEDIATELY.
Contact an Attorney: It is important to know your rights, as the insurance company is not looking out for your best interest. Calling an attorney to have him/her review your case from the outset can ensure that no detail gets overlooked. Dealing with the insurance companies can be a lot to do alone, so having an attorney to represent you can help take the stress off you.
Our goal here at The Larrison Law Firm is that when you hire us, we take all of these stressors off of your plate so that you are able to focus on treatment and getting better!
We know trying to process all this information along with having an injury can be overwhelming. Thus, we here at The Larrison Law Firm want to extend a hand in guiding you through this process. My staff and I would be happy to set up a free consultation to discuss the details of your individual case and needs. Give us a call at 770-554-8100 or contact us online at larrisonlawfirm.com. We have locations in both Loganville and Athens and serve all areas in between.